
To get an overview over the past scientific research, you can search here for the group’s publications by year and group member. Newer manuscript can be found as preprints on bioRxiv. We have attempted to make PDFs available. Media appearances have been collected separately.

The publication list here started with Peer’s first paper in 1989. The entire list is sorted by the years and then by the first author names of the publications in that year. A group member in the authorship is marked red and if clicked on the group member name, their personal publication list will be shown. The URL link on a journal’s name will show you how many times the group has published in that journal.

Publications of former group members

Wasiu Akanni, Renato Alves, Miguel Andrade, Mani Arumugam, Stephanie Boue, John Boyle, Lucas Brouwers, Nigel Brown, Yudong Cai, Monica Campillos, Samuel Chaffron, Wei-Hua Chen, Francesca D. Ciccarelli, Luis Pedro Coelho, Richard Copley, Paul Igor Costea, Christopher Creevey, Thomas Dandekar, Samy Deghou, Damien Devos, Tobias Doerks, Marja Driessen, Birgit Eisenhaber, Frank Eisenhaber, Gabriel Fernandes, Pamela Ferretti, Konrad Foerstner, Mathilde Foglierini, Luz Garcia-Alonso, Anna Maria Glazek, Eoghan Harrington, Matthew Hayward, Hedvig Hegyi, Falk Hildebrand, Sean Hooper, Jaime Huerta Cepas, Martijn Huynen, Murat Iskar, Lars Juhl Jensen, Stefanie Kandels, Ece Kartal, Supriya Khedkar, Jan Korbel, Katri Korpela, Roland Krause, Markus Krupp, Jens Roat Kultima, Julien Lagarde, Jianmei Lai, Tomas Larsson, Warren C. Lathe III, Martin Lercher, Simone Li, Yuanyue Li, Oleksandr Maistrenko, Daniel Mende, Frank Milpetz, Pablo Minguez Paniagua, Lucas Moitinho e Silva, Enrique Morett, Vladimir M. Morozov, Jean Muller, Alejandro Andres Murillo Cordova, Askarbek Orakov, Rossitza Ouzounova, Luca Parca, Caroline Perez-Iratxeta, Sean Powell, Jeroen Raes, Florian Raible, Natalie Romanov, Siegfried Schloissnig, Steffen Schmidt, Thomas Sebastian Schmidt, Joerg Schultz, Stefan Schuster, Parantu Shah, Amoolya Singh, Berend Snel, Joseph Christian Somody, Shinichi Sunagawa, Shamil Sunyaev, Mikita Suyama, Damian Szklarczyk, Julien Tap, David Torrents Arenales, Kalliopi Trachana, Vera van Noort, Thea Van Rossum, Anita Yvonne Voigt, Christian von Mering, Alison Waller, Tobias Wenzel, Takuji Yamada, Evgeny Zdobnov, Georg Zeller, Xingming Zhao, Ana Zhu, Maria Zimmermann-Kogadeeva